So four weeks later and I’m back in Belgium, this time for a Saw Doctors gig. It’s been twenty years since I last saw them live which is pretty unbelievable! Although I was staying in Brussels, I didn’t see...
The things I do for my friends

So today I was meant to be watching the tennis qualifying but instead I find myself on my way to Antwerp for the FEATS 2024 theater festival. It has been eight years since I was last in Belgium (how...
How much I spent in Belgium

My trip to Belgium was built around attending the FEATS 2016 theater festival so it was a combination of hanging out with friends, seeing shows and also doing the tourist thing. As my flight out was canceled, I ended up...
A few pictures from Antwerp

I headed to Antwerp not knowing much about the place, other than, well, diamonds. Being greeted by Antwerpen Centraal Station was definitely a good start. I love a beautiful train station and Antwerp is right up there with Grand...
Impressions of Bruges

I’ve come to the conclusion that I like Bruges best when it’s raining. Firstly, because the canals and the buildings look beautiful through a watery filter and, secondly, because there aren’t as many damn people about. In the absence...
Gallivanting to Ghent

When my plans fell through at the last minute, I didn’t really put much thought into things and just hopped on a train to Ghent. I wasn’t at all prepared but at least I remembered enough from my last...
Be careful what you wish for!

I really didn’t want to leave Belgium. I was having the most wonderful time and had fallen completely in love with the country. But still I packed up my belongings and got on the train. And it wasn’t until...
Finding Châtelain

A friend suggested that we meet at Place du Châtelain. Sure, I said, just as soon as I figure out where on earth it is. And that was how I found what is so far my favorite neighborhood in...
A mini trip round Europe

I love all things miniature and so, when I heard that there was a Mini-Europe in Brussels, I just had to go. I took the train from central Brussels out to Heysel (which provoked emotions that I’d long forgotten about)...
A trip to Brussels

When I mentioned to people that I was going to Belgium, and specifically Brussels, I got a mixture of responses. Some people paused, inhaled deeply and then queried my decision. To be honest, there wasn’t actually much of a...