This year is an important one for me and I need to pick my intentions carefully. Choose the life I want It’s time to take risks and be reckless. Life is short so I need to make sure that...
Intentions for 2024

I didn’t do too badly with my intentions for 2023 but there is still room for improvement. So the overall aim is to make 2024 a happy, productive year with new experiences and old friends. Here are my intentions: Make...
Intentions for 2023

I looked back at my intentions for 2022 and it’s disappointing how poorly I did at achieving any of them. I think I basically need to try again with the same intentions this year. The only one I was...
Happy New Year!

2022 was a better year for me. Still not life as we know it but definitely living. I traveled enough to feel guilty about my part in contributing to climate change and my only mitigation is that I’m pretty...
Intentions for 2019

After doing terribly with last year’s intentions, my aims for this year are basically the same. This is because these are the things I know will make me happy and therefore it is in my own best interests to...
Intentions for 2018

(Updated because I forgot one!) I know it’s a little late in the month for declaring New Year’s resolutions but it’s a process I enjoy. To be honest my resolutions are generally along the same lines every year, with...
Another year, another adventure

2015 turned out to be a strange year for me. Deciding to bring forward my travel plans meant uprooting myself from my friends and from my everyday life much sooner than I expected. Various factors meant that my initial itinerary...