A friend suggested that we meet at Place du Châtelain. Sure, I said, just as soon as I figure out where on earth it is. And that was how I found what is so far my favorite neighborhood in Brussels.
When I checked out how to get there I came across this article which made me think that Châtelain could be an area worth exploring so I arrived a few hours earlier than scheduled and totally loved what I found.
Whilst the big draw is apparently the market which takes place every Wednesday, I turned up on a public holiday and found a chilled collection of bars with tables spilling out on to the pavement and scores of restaurants with menus to make the mouth water. Not everywhere was open, unfortunately, but the spot I chose for lunch (not an easy decision with so much choice) did not disappoint.
Feeling suitably re-energized, I explored the area around Rue de Page and found street after street of attractive architecture (and more and more interesting bars and restaurants). There were plenty of people enjoying the day sat out in the sunshine on the pavements drinking and eating with friends.
Looping back round to Place du Châtelain, I found a nice bench in the shade and watched the world go by. This may have been my first visit to Châtelain but it wasn’t the last. It’s such a great place to head to for good food and to escape the usual tourist haunts.
Oh, and you really should try the cupcakes from Lilicup!
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